Water Distribution Process
Making sure our customers receive quality water at all times is our top priority. OCWD’s robust distribution system allows us to ensure an ample supply of safe, great-tasting water is available when you want it and when you need it.

The Water Treatment Plant is where we make water safe to drink, but the distribution system is how we deliver quality and great-tasting water to homes and businesses located throughout our service area. Because our service area is so large, OCWD has an extensive distribution system. It consists of approximately 700 miles of interconnected series of pipes called water mains, 6 water storage facilities, 4 pump stations, 223 fire hydrants, over 2,985 water valves – all designed to deliver clean water from our treatment facility to the homes and businesses we serve. Public water utilities depend on distribution systems to deliver an uninterrupted supply of pressurized, safe drinking water to all consumers, while also providing fire protection throughout the service area. Our distribution team is constantly working to keep our water infrastructure in excellent condition to maintain our standards of reliability.
High service pumps located at the Treatment Plant pump water to two water tanks, BCBC located in Beaver Dam and Windy Hills located near Rosine, where it is then distributed to all customers.
The high service pumps located at the water treatment plant can only push water to a certain elevation before water pressure drops too low. If the pressure in the system drops too low, customers may experience water shortages and decreased pressure in their home and, in some cases, water quality problems.
To combat this, we use a combination of pumps and water towers in our distribution system. Pumps help push water deeper and higher into our service area. Each time we have to use another set of pumps, we create a new pressure zone.
Towers & Tanks
Storage tanks and towers help maintain water pressure within a pressure zone by releasing water into the underground water mains from a higher elevation. When customer demand for water is high, water flows from the tower or tank into the distribution system to make sure there is enough water available at a high-enough pressure to meet our customers' expectations. Additionally, tanks and towers act as supply sources, preventing service disruptions when there are power trips or power outages at a pump station.