Our Water Source:
The Green River
The Green River is the only source of raw water utilized by the OCWD treatment plant, and is a very valuable asset to our community as it provides not only recreational uses such as fishing, boating, kayaking, and swimming but it also provides the Ohio County Water District with its drinking water source. Amazingly there are 9,230 square miles of drainage area that encompasses the Green River watershed. It is one of the most significant freshwater aquatic ecosystems in North America, as it supports 71 species of freshwater mussels, 151 species of fish, and is home to Mammoth Cave National Park!

The pool created by Rochester Dam that was constructed in the 1930’s, is the source for water supply to some 50,000 people, plus commercial and industrial users in Butler, Ohio, and Muhlenberg counties. Five intakes draw water from this pool, including a major industry with 1,300 employees. The OCWD’s raw water intake is located at approximate river mile 130.5 near Cromwell. The Green River level in the vicinity of the intake is generally maintained during normal flow by the dam located near Rochester. The intake was originally designed in 1991 and consists of a main pump wetwell set back off the riverbank with two intake screens mounted in the river.

In 2011, the raw water intake pumps and electrical gear were replaced. Raw water is drawn in through either of the screens into a single 16” pipeline that discharges to the pump well which contains two vertical turbine style pumps each with a reported capacity of 2,800 gallons per minute. Annually, OCWD contracts a with a diving contractor to perform inspections and maintenance of the raw water intake screens and wetwell. They clean the screens and dredge areas around the intake that have been filled with sediment. The wetwell is dewatered and cleaned as well, removing rocks, sand, and mud. OCWD holds a Water Withdrawal Permit with the Kentucky Division of Water that limits water withdrawals to 4 million gallons per day. In 2023, we began constructing new 20-inch raw water intake lines with screening assemblies along with a new control valve vault. The project was completed in October 2024. Construction cost exceeded $5.2 million, but OCWD was able to offset costs by receiving 2 different grants in the amount of $3 million dollars!